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Catch - Clean Break (Theatre Production, 2023) Mature

Catch follows the lives of three women, Christina, Susan and Rachel, each trying to turn her life around, and seeking support at a women’s centre.

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Catch follows the lives of three women, Christina, Susan and Rachel, each trying to turn her life around, and seeking support at a women’s centre. These women are accessing support for different reasons: domestic violence, addiction and unsafe housing - all leading to entanglement with the criminal justice system.

The play explores the multiple challenges women face and asks if re-entry into the criminal justice system is inevitable or if the support from the women’s centre is enough to catch them.

Catch was developed with and is performed by women with experience of the criminal justice system or at risk of entering it.

Clean Break co-commissioned Sonia Jalaly to write Catch with our sister charity Advance, who supported the research period. This included running workshops for women attending Advance women’s centres as well as speaking to staff and peer mentors at the centres.

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