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Blob (Photography, 2021)

The lack of ability to distinguish between my body and other and accept the loss of my dependence makes me unable to become a subject or self.

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I am only a belonging or an object in this situation where it has got no control over while other or object manipulates the body. The desire of keeping the shape of the unity with the supportive objects is materialized using cling film to wrap the objects and the body to form a visual unity, influenced by Man Ray’s L’Enigme d’Isidore Ducasse, the fashion show Lumps and Bumps by Rei Kawakubo and Merce Cunningham in Antic Meet.[1] Cling film also tells the clingy characteristic of the self in a relationship which eventually causes too much pressure to other and drives other away. A series of digital photographs Blob shows the desire of not letting go of the support, the rejection of separation and the result of disabling the function of the body. There is a conflict between the natural desire and the knowledge of its futility. The nature wins over in this situation in some degrees. But the result still shows the state of being stuck and the body cannot become a subject of self this way.

[1] My view on this has been inspired by my reading of ‘L’Enigme d’Isidore Ducasse’, Man Ray (1972) [Accessed 17 July 2021]. ‘Lumps and Bumps at Comme des Garçons S/S97’, Osman Ahmed (5 January 2016) [Accessed 17 July 2021]. ‘The Muscle of Art: How Cunningham and Rauschenberg Inspire Us to Flex’, Abigail Sebaly (1 December 2011) [Accessed 17 July 2021].

Eva Wang China

1+ years experienced Masters graduate from Glasgow School of Art, who excels at creating innovative digital photographs. Currently seeking an entry level graduate role to establish a photography career.

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