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Aus Ruinen (Audio)

Simon's trip to sort out his late German grandfather's stuff becomes much more than he bargained for when his family meet the reality of modern East Germany.

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Voice Actor | Felicia
(Female, 30 or older)

Role status:

Will close on 09 April, 2025

In return for:

Collaboration (expenses paid)


1 day

Project has End of May deadline. Will likely be recorded at Bath Spa University's Newton Campus.


Based in Bath/Bristol, United Kingdom

The Character

An overall upbeat, friendly personality - she is Simon's wife and Dolly's mother. Usually the peacekeeper, she takes on all that this stage of life puts on a woman - but she takes it in her stride, all things considered.

The Project

TITLE: Aus Ruinen

FORMAT: Audio Drama

LENGTH: 10-12 minutes

LOGLINE: When walls come crumbling down.

SYNOPSIS: When sorting through his late grandfather’s possessions, Simon finds a box of old tapes from East Germany – but when his own daughter, Dolly, asks one too many questions, it all becomes more than he had bargained for…

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