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Arrowhead (Documentary, 2024)

Three ordinary women, one British and two Omani, embark on a grueling expedition to cross a vast stretch of barren waste in the heart of the Arabian Desert.

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Three ordinary women, one British and two Omani, embark on a gruelling expedition to cross a vast stretch of barren waste in the heart of the Arabian Desert. Known by locals as Rub al’ Khali, the Empty Quarter, the expeditioners vie to be the first women to traverse the largest sand desert in the world in modern times.

With a small British and Omani crew in support, the women walk 758 kilometres (the equivalent distance between London and Switzerland) as a medium for challenging prejudices and cultural exchange and to deliver the message that we are better together regardless of our differences.

As they struggle through this parched, dreamlike desert-scape where the jinn hold reign, the journey forces them to dig into the deepest recesses of their resolve…and to come face to face with the ghosts of their pasts.

Arrowhead is not just a film about an expedition. As a modern-day heroine’s journey, it is the spiritual quest of three women trying to navigate through the contradictions of today’s world and leave their own footprints in the sand.

Directed by Matthew D Millan and Janey McGill.

Janey McGill Oxford, United Kingdom

An explorer and creator of opportunity. Trained in law, made films, returned to law.

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