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A Wilted Rose (Short film)

A short film about loneliness and escapism; Rose daydreams excessively about the ideal life at the cost of maintaining her real life.

Profile for Lizz Mathews
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A Wilted Rose follows the story of a young woman named Rose, who fantasises about an ideal life perfectly shaped for her own wishes: to live in a beautiful house with a loving husband, be known as a recognisable celebrity and have plenty of great friends. These are all things she lacks in real life. She works a minimum wage job at a retail store, crushing on her manager who invites her along to a staff party. In a panic, she insists she is busy and can’t make it- like all the previous times. 

However, with no friends, Rose has no plans- so she creates them within her head from the comfort of her home. Although being isolated in her small, damp apartment is not so comforting really. She wants to go to the party. She wants to get better. So, she does. She puts on her makeup, and a nice dress, and drives to the party. But she doesn’t make it in. The anxiety is too much, and she drives back home. She doesn’t want to be alone, but it’s familiar, and she finds comfort in that familiarity despite knowing it is bad for her.


(Female, 23 to 30 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 01 March, 2022

In return for:

Paid, fee to be discussed


5 days

Filming dates are currently flexible as our crew are keen to work around the actors schedule as much as possible. We plan to film in late March - early April.


Based in Southampton, United Kingdom

Supporting Documents

This acting job is for a final major project at Solent University. It is a paid opportunity. Be sure to check the casting call pdf document for links to the official A Wilted Rose social media pages, website, and email. Please send a short introduction video, an unedited headshot, and example of your acting skills with either a showreel,  audition tape, or links to any past projects you have acted for.

This role for is the lead character, Rose. There are two sides of this character: Rose in her mundane and lonely reality, and then a fun and outgoing fantasy version of herself. 

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