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Broken Bird (Short film)

Short comedy : "A concerned and loving daughter tries to set her disabled mother up with a taciturn woman met at work."

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This project has already recieved the support of Bristol Pride.

“Broken Bird” gives the spotlight to an underrepresented community : women over fifty years old. I have always wondered what dating must be like when you get older, how different it must be from your twenties with your life experiences and the maturity you acquire.

We do know that life doesn’t stop at forty years old. You can still travel, dream, change career. All of these things take courage and perseverance. But what about dating?

Through this story, written with the help of women telling their personal stories, I wanted to show how strong women are, and mainly, how okay it is to be on your own. Not everyone dreams of being in a relationship, and if they do, it is as the cherry on the cake : a beautiful bonus added to their life, not a necessity to be able to reach happiness.

Women over fifty should be given more light, and more stories, because they are strong, they lived and know what they want and what they don’t want. They dare, but in a different way. They have so much to say and teach.



Role status:


In return for:

Collaboration (unpaid)

I am happy to help out with anything anyone on the crew and cast need, filmmaking wise


The Premiere is schedule on the 1st of March


Can work remotely

Unfortunately, this is an unpaid opportunity, as the whole cast and crew are also donating their time.

We have look for budget, and what we aquire doesn't allow us to compensate anyone.

Express Interest

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