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(Male, 35 to 45 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 29 March, 2022

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)

As previously mentioned we will offer a thank you of £100.


20 days

As previously described rehearsals will be twice a week, probably Sundays plus an evening in the week. We will have more intensive rehearsals in the week running up to the performance which will be in the week of 16 May 2022). Please note the rehearsals will not be full days and, as far as possible, will be scheduled around other commitments.


Based in Bristol/Bath/North somerset, United Kingdom

We are casting for the role of Stefan in the stage play, Ghost Orchid, to be staged at the Mission Theatre, Bath 19/20 May 2022 (waiting for dates to be fully confirmed) as part of SparkFest 2022. This is a fringe production so money is tight; we will pay expenses plus a thank you of £100.

Ghost Orchid is set in rural contemporary (post pandemic) Gloucestershire and explores how trauma echoes across the generations of a farming family. Stefan (40) is originally from Poland but has lived in the UK for over 20 years. He is married to Liz and they have 3 children. He is even tempered and hardworking but is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.

The rest of the play is fully cast and we plan to start rehearsals soon - they will initially be twice a week and will be scheduled around other work commitments. Please get in touch if you are interested in this role.

Express Interest

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