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Kingsdown (Short film)

A sensitive portrayal of an English football fan overcoming his prejudiced thinking after meeting a pregnant female refugee.

Profile for Alfie Skinner


Actor, Middle Eastern
(Female, 18 to 35 years old)

Role status:

Closed on 17 March, 2022

In return for:

Partnership (expenses paid)


4 days from 21 March, 2022


Based in Bristol, United Kingdom

Looking for a female Middle Eastern actor for a short film 'KINGSDOWN' - a sensitive portrayal of an English football fan overcoming his prejudiced thinking after meeting a pregnant female refugee.

MARIAM - (20s, Middle Eastern Female) A refugee who doesn’t want to be helped by Jack. Needs to be happy playing pregnant & can preferably speak a Middle Eastern language.

Film credit & Expenses Paid.

Filming 21st -24th of March.

Location is an hour outside Bristol.

Express Interest

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