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Hope is Lost (Short film)

'Hope is Lost' is a short thriller about a teenage girl obsessed with her dream world and conducting seances to contact her deceased mother.

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Filming 4-5th November.

It's Hope's 18th birthday but instead of partying and celebrating like her best friend Emily wants her to do, Hope feels she is closer than ever to opening the door in her recurring dream and contacting her mother from the spirit world.

Hope convinces Emily to conduct another seance but the two argue over what they think is best.

Hope has to do this on her own, so she faces the locked door in her dreams and finds a way to open it. But, some doors may be locked for a reason.



Role status:

Closed on 15 March, 2021

In return for:

Partnership (profit share + expenses)

At the moment our budget is very limited but we have offered everyone expenses and can discuss what we can offer you.

Start date:

07 March, 2021

The filming date was set for the 20th March but as we are looking for a new producer we will work on a date agreed upon by crew and cast, possibly late April.


Based in London, United Kingdom

We have the beginning of a hard working and passionate group who between us have some great credits. We need a producer to come on board who might have some ideas but is at least passionate about giving this short film the best chance it can and following on to the feature. You don't have to be completely experienced but at least very interested to fill this role.

Please message if you're interested and we can organise a chat!

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