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Katherine Senior Southhampton, United Kingdom

I have been an actress for almost 20 years, co-founding Devon theatre company, Creative Cow in 2007. Now with a stronger focus on producing, I have toured 5 productions through Tilted Wig Productions, alongside Mathew Parish, since 2017.

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Playing age:

35 to 48 years


5' 8" (1.73m)

Body type:




"Katherine Senior is exquisite as Mrs Malaprop. It is worth seeing the production for her performance alone"

-The Stage


"Katherine Senior - despite being very much a junior - gave a bravura performance as the octagenarian Maud. I laughed out loud."

-Phyillida Lloyd (dir. The Iron Lady, Mama Mia)

"The result is great fun, and exuberantly performed. Highlights include Katherine Senior as the indomitable Bess."

-The Guardian

I have been an actress for 17 years and have toured extensively for a large part of that. In 2007 I co-founded Creative Cow - a theatre company in Devon, which was born in pubs and village halls, art studios and cafes in the South and South West from Salisbury to Exmoor. Gradually we scaled up to touring studios and number 1 theatres all across the UK. 

We began with 3 hander chamber pieces from the 1960s and gradually created larger productions alongside such as my own adaptation of A Christmas Carol at Exeter Northcott in 2015. Our focus turned very much to adaptations of novels and we produced Clive Francis' Our Man in Havana and Giles Havergal's Travels with my Aunt.

In 2017 we shifted our artistic model and became Tilted Wig and we have toured 5 productions to date. Since this shift, I have been focusing more on the producing side of the company whilst bringing up a young family and I have 3 boys under the age of 5.

Having established the company with a growing reputation for excellence, I am excited to germinate some of my own ideas and am currently working on a female-led piece which I hope to workshop over the Summer of 2022.