Filmmaker, photographer and actor. Always keen and open to help on any upcoming/ongoing projects. Love working with different people and help bring their vision to life.
19 to 25 years
5' 4" (1.63m)
Indian / South Asian
Started filmmaking as an actor back in 2015 and began to do work as crew in 2019. From then on, I've been involved in various productions from music videos, documentaries, short films etc as a range of different roles. Can offer to do BTS photography or any other form of photography. BFI Academy Alumni, Screen & Film School Brighton Student.
A BFI documentary exploring a young person's journey with grief and uses a boxing gym to help cope with his mental health.
‘Hijabs and Miniskirts’ is an animation that was developed with and for young people during the...
A music video in support of the Black Lives Matter movement
A resource tackling sexual harassment
This song is a cover and the video is a tribute to the farmers fighting for their rights in India.
Stand In Pride is a song challenging homophobic abuse and hate crime. Promoting tolerance and peace...
A brief doc of me roaming around my other home and just seeing how much things have changed since...
A poetic documentary about witnessing life through Brighton and reflecting on my own life.
A short film about Honour based crime and forced marriage.
A cheeky but very meaningful song by the young people of Integrate UK, making it very clear that no...
Call of the Void is a short web series about Shukri, a shy Muslim girl who gets sent to a...