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Hsien Yu Niu London, United Kingdom

Hsien Yu Niu, a.k.a. Sunshine Niu, is a Taiwanese cinematographer based in London, (UK) that is mainly focusing on fiction.

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Hsien Yu Niu, a.k.a. Sunshine Niu, is a Taiwanese cinematographer based in London, (UK).

She graduated from the London Film School as a Cinematographer with the Panalux award for outstanding cinematography for the Hong Kong short film UNDERNEATH.

Before moving to London, she studied environmental science. She enters the world of filmmaking by making documentaries that explore the relationship between human and the natural resources.

Her latest film she photographed will be screened at Camerimage film festival 2021 in Poland. 

Currently she is focusing on fiction work as a Cinematographer, constantly shooting in the UK and abroad.