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Chantou Spit Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Chantou is 14yrs old. She is a very talented actress. She is also a gymnast and dancer.

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Playing age:

13 to 17 years


5' 3" (1.6m)

Body type:




Chantou was born in The Netherlands and moved to England when she was 6. She  played the principal girl role in the pantomime Hickory Dickory Dock last season and is auditioning again this year at the local amateur dramatics group. She is a member of a local youth theatre and will be playing in their show “The Addams Family”. She has taken part in Global Rock with her school for the past 3 years and loves every minute of it! Chantou has a busy life and when she is not performing, rehearsing or practising, loves to watch dance and talent shows on television and internet.