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Alexander Butter Somerset, United Kingdom

A screenwriter with a interest in the dark side of life.

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Playing age:

31 to 40 years


5' 9" (1.75m)

Body type:




I studied for the MA in Writing for Script and Screen at Falmouth University, where I finished

with a First (distinction). Since then I have been perfecting my craft by reading books on

dialogue, the Moral Premise and characterisation. I also enjoy reading professional and

amateur scripts, often helping friends and colleagues with feedback on theirs. I have taught

scriptwriting at a local college and have been approached by a local production company to

run screenwriting courses. I have been a guest on the ScriptDept podcast, where they break

down their script structure, and character and have also appeared on the archetype series

where we discuss the themes of that particular archetype. I have worked on several

productions and have pitched shows to RTE and BBC. I also work as an SA and have been

on a few productions.

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